Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Torrance Herald Newspaper Articles for Bergeron and Kettering

1922 Sept 22
Ad for JG Bergeron Chalmers Auto Sales
Agent for Lomita and Harbor City
Let the Chalmers Prove Itself to You
Get the truth about the Chalmers from any Chalmers owner.
Then let the Chalmers prove itself to you
Roadster $1415 Touring Tpass $1595
J G Bergeron
agent for Lomita and Harbor City
445 Seventh Street San Pedro

also article:
Chalmers in Record Trip from Coast
Three weeks out of New York via Montreal and Niagara Falls, E R Harris of Gotham and his family, including heir nine months old boy, reached Los Angeles last week in their 1917 Chalmers. T outstanding features of the trip, according to Harris, who is a consulting engineer, was the wonderful performance of the old model Chalmers and the remarkable way in which the youngster stood the long pull, he told Mr Parker, salesman for J G Bergeron, San Pedro Chalmers distributor.
(More info about the trip and car) "The Chalmers engine is a wonder."
1939 June 22
Home building takes lead in construction
Building permits issued during the past week or 10 days:
Mrs J G Bergeron for a four-room frame house at 24212 Ocean, $1,000


1941 August 28
J G Bergeron of Walteria, part-time engineer at the fire department's substation there, was placed under a year's contract by the Torrance city council Tuesday night.

1942 March 20
Honor Roll - A Salute to Servicemen
There are 571 names in the Honor Roll - 305 from Lomita, Harbor City and Rolling Hills and 266 from Torrance and Walteria.
U S Coast Guard
Bergeron, Dick, 24212 Ocean Ave, Walteria
1942 July 2
1943 Jan 21
1944 July 30
Honor Roll
Bergeron, Dick, 24212 Ocean Ave, Walteria
1943 June 17
Pay Increases Granted Seven City Employees
Pay increases for a number of municipal workers were approved by the city council at an adjourned meeting Tuesday night.
James (I think this should be John) Bergeron, Walteria fireman, was increased from $145 to $175 per month.
1944 June 22
Building permits
Ivan Kettering, 24248 Neece ave, $1450 garage house
1944 Sept 28
Three Local Boys Enter Maritime Training School
among the most recent enrollees to enter maritime Service School at Catalina Island from a group of 60 men and boys sent by the Wilmington enrolling office, are three from Torrance and vicinity.
The following men recently entered the school: Huckabey, Johnson,
Edward Samuel Bergeron 16, 24212 Ocean Ave, Walteria
Need are boys 16 to 17 1/2 and men 26 to 50 years of age to train for jobs in the deck, engine, steward, radio and purser departments of merchant marine vessels. Those entering the school are given their board, room and clothing allowance and a salary. The ship in the merchant marine at the prevailing wage scale.
1944 Oct 5 page 6
Walteria Cubs Get Instruction on Fire Control
members of Cub Pack 240-C sponsored by the Walteria PTA, attended a fire prevention lecture and demonstration at the Walteria fire station Oct 2, given by Fire Chief McMaster of Torrance fire department. (More article)
Cubmaster George Thatcher, Committeeman Roy Palmer and Jack Bergeron, Walteria Fire Chief joined the Cubs in attending.
1945 May 24
Honor Roll We Honor our Comrades fighting in the Armed Forces of the United States
Bergeron, Dick
1945 Sept 6
Walteria Memorial Plaque Contains Names of Men and Women in Service
Walteria War memorial Dedicated (PHOTO) As George Thatcher, chairman of the Walteria War Memorial Committee, holds a roster and scrap book containing accounts and signatures of men and women in the armed forces, Mrs Tutle and Mrs Dow examine a book which is one of the 125 dedicated to men and women in the service and placed in circulation in the library. The memorial plaque, in the background, contains the names of men and women honored, and was dedicated at recent ceremonies.
Presentation of a memorial plaque containing the names of 125 men and women of the community serving their country in World War II has completed a war memorial program proposed to the community by George Thatcher.
In addition to the plaque, the program included the purchase and dedication of a book to every man and woman answering the call of his or her country from Walteria. the books were purchased and placed in the local library following a dedication ceremony November 26, 1944.
Reports that at least 50 per cent of the memorial books are in circulation all the time. these books, all of which afford exceptional reading pleasure, were selected by friends and relatives of the servicemen and have proved a valuable addition to Walteria's library.
Names of men and women joining the armed forces from Walteria will be included in the list on the plaque. However, the memorial committee welcomes the dedication of books to any service man or woman, Thatcher said. "Several books have been received by our library from friends and relatives of service people other than Walterian,' he said. These books become the property of the community of Walteria and circulate only in Walteria. They are maintained by the Torrance library, making the memorial a permanent reminder of those who gave up homes, friends and loved ones in answering their country's call.
Army: Jack W Bergeron
Merchant Marine: Edward S Bergeron
1946 Jan 3
Torrance Herald
...spotlight for the field events, Bill Kelly, Ralph Colllns, Ed Bergeron and Krls Janicich. > Turning to . the Bee team, there are ...
http://www.torranceca.gov/archivednewspapers/Herald/1946 Jan 3 - 1947 Feb 27/PDF/00000103.pdf
File Size: 5025338 kb |
1946 Nov 21 section B

Torrance Fire Dept Adds Two Men; More Needed Fro Lower Insurance

The forthcoming fire underwriters survey of Torrance to determine
eligibility of the community for lower fire insurance rates probably
will include a recommendation that the fire personnel be increased so
that at least 12 men are on duty at the Central station at all times.
(several more paragraphs on personnel) At Walteria, one man is on duty
all the time, and the department depends on volunteers in both
stations to properly man equipment and fight fires. Chief McMaster
says there should be three men on duty at all times in the Walteria
station to give adequate protection to the community---

Chief McMaster also announced that the last of the war emergency
firemen had been replaced by permanent men. Just installed are ----
and Leonard Christian replacing J G Bergeron at Walteria. Casper
Clemmer, emergency fireman, returned to the park department and
Bergeron resigned.

1950 June 8 Torrance Herald page 24
Mr and Mrs Ivan Kettering of 24248 Neece avenue went on a fishing
trip to Seal Beach Wednesday. Seems they had a very successful day,
from all accounts.
1951 Feb Torrance Herald page 16
A lovely stork shower was given for Mrs. Moline Montgomery, Neece
avenue of Friday night. Feb 16.(description of cake) Approx 26
attended. Those from Walteria were Mrs Ivan Kettering, Mrs Nancy Lund,
Mrs Vern Murray -----

1951 Sept 13
Walteria News and Notes
Mrs Ed Bergeron, mother of Mrs Ivan Kettering, Neece street, left on Wednesday, September 5, to return to her home in Oregon. She had been visiting with the Kettering family for several weeks.
1951 Dec 13 page 11
Mr and Mrs Eddie Bergeron, Lebanon, Oregon, announced the birth of a son, Edward Carroll, November 9. This is their second child, as they have a daughter, Marva Dell, two years old. Mr Bergeron is a brother of Mrs Ivan Kettering, Neece street, and is well known by many Walteria residents as he grew up here in this community.
1954 April 22 page 22

Mr and Mrs Ivan Kettering of Neece Ave. spent Easter Sunday at the
home of Mrs Evelyn Kettering in Long Beach.

1956 Dec 2
Torrance Herald
...weeks. First, a surprise .visit was paid them by Jack Bergeron and family of Lakeside, Ore., over the holidays. . Last week ...
http://www.torranceca.gov/archivednewspapers/Herald/1956 Dec 2 - 1957 April 28/PDF/00000308.pdf

1957 Jan 13 page 6
The Ivan Ketterings home on Neece Ave has had nothing but surprises the last three weeks.
First, a surprise visit was paid them by Jack Bergeron and family of Lakeside, Ore., over the holiday
Last week another surprise guest arrived in the person of another brother, Ed Bergeron, a resident of Sweethome, Ore. Bergeron stopped in for a visit while on his way to Ft Benning, Ga, where he is to take training with the U S Army reserve. He was accompanied by an Army buddy, Oley Borgesson.
Many memories were stirred when a group of his friends from boyhood days gathered at the Ketterings on last Tuesday to catch up on the news about each other and enjoy a supper of tacos. Boyhood memories were rehashed by Wesley Christianson, Jack Lund, Bill Mitchell and Glenn Kirkruff along with Eddie.

1957 March 21 page 21

The Ivan Kettering home on Neece Ave. is full of guests these days
with "family" visiting from Oregon.

The welcome visitors include Mrs Kettering's mother, Mrs Jack G
Bergeron, Eddie Bergeron and wife Carolyn along with their daughter,
Marva Dell. Mrs Eddie Bergeron's mother, Mrs Carl Clark, also joined
in the visit. The guests will be here the rest of this week.


Monday, March 26, 2012

Bergeron Auto Sales 1922

Finally found the information for Grand dad Bergeron's Auto Sales. This ad is in the Torrance Herald 1922
The dealership was in San Pedro on Seventh Street, the main street of down town.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

1930 Bergeron

1930 Census April 10, Long Beach Township
John G Salesman Auto Co
Etta none
Jack W
Margaret L
Richard R
Edward S

1930 Census Earl Bergeron
Earl buyer/dry goods Watsonville, Santa Cruz, CA
Elma age 31 born 1899 Father born in miss-mother in Kansas
Elma Sales lady/Bakery

McCauley Family

Emeline Lavina McCauley (1856-1938)
Our great grand mother Gann
Married Samuel Gann in 1874, St Joseph, Missouri

Birth 6 May Center, Missouri
Death 25 May Long Beach, Calif